Saturday, December 4, 2010


I figured a title like that was the best way to get your attention.  If you didn't click on "OMG BROWNIES!!!" immediately after reading it - there is obviously something wrong with you. Please, go see a doctor.

So I'm in Whistler... and how did I spend my Friday night?  Making chocolate peanut butter brownies while wearing pajamas and listening to Counting Crows.  That's how.  I'd been having some serious chocolate cravings over the last little while.  I went grocery shopping and bought some Reese peanut butter cups but decided that they just wouldn't cut it.  I'd been without a chocolate fix for so long that I needed to go big.  So I pulled up my no-fail brownie recipe and went to it.  I'll post the link at the bottom for anyone who wants to make the best brownies you'll ever eat.  Also, the last blog was a bit wordy, so it's going to be more of a visual display this time.  I figure I lost half my audience with the excessive use of text last time.  So, for my 3 remaining readers, here's how it went down:

Because I take food safety incredibly serious, I washed my f**king hands thoroughly before I began the preparation (that's a joke for all my fellow WB staff who experienced the same food safe training I did)... but I really did wash them.  To start, you melt butter and mix it with some cocoa... how can you not love making brownies when that's how the recipe begins.

The start of something amazing.
The result - chocolatey goodness.
A cup of sugar couldn't hurt...
Add in the eggs, flour, salt and vanilla and now we're getting somewhere.
The magical Reese Chipits to satisfy the peanut butter craving.

Throw a few in...
and a few more...
All ready to bake...
Like any sane person, I scraped the bowl and licked the spoon... well I scraped the pot.  Unfortunately I no longer have a mixing bowl so the pot did just fine.
The finished product.
Why my co-workers will love me forever.
I'm off now.  It's a Saturday night, which naturally means it's oatmeal chocolate chip cookie time.

ps.  My new roommate Christina (who is from Spain) had never tried chocolate and peanut butter together until three weeks ago.  Seriously Spain - what the hell.


  1. hahaha, best part of this is the last line. And the brownies, nom nom nom.

  2. mmmmmmmmmmmm i want some

  3. I am sitting here drooling just trying to peel them off the computer.. yum!
    PS I love reading your blog! It is a story waiting to happpen.. totally awesome!!!

  4. Love the blog have not been on in a while but really enjoy your posts!!
    Thank you for the step by step baking pics - you have inspired me to bake!
    I am one who burns the pre made Pilsbury cookies that all you have to do is cut at the dotted line and then bake!!
    Arlyn 8)
