Monday, May 30, 2011

What is red and smells like blue paint?

Red paint.  This has nothing to do with the following blog... just thought it best to start with a joke/fact.

Apparently if you eat, drink and perform minimal exercise for six months straight - you'll gain weight!  I know folks, it's quite shocking.  I've never worried about my weight before but it seems I'm getting old.  My mother told me the day where I could not eat whatever I pleased would come, but as per usual - I didn't believe her.  I don't own a scale in Whistler and one of the first things I did when I arrived home was weigh myself.  When I looked down between my feet and saw a number I've never seen before, I thought "Surely that can't be right. This thing is broken."  I then ventured upstairs and used a different scale and to my horror I saw the same number!  "Dammit!  Why are all the scales broken?!!?!" 

Seriously though, I know I'd gained a bit of weight.  For the first time in my life I actually feel like I should shed some pounds.  Not just for aesthetic reasons.  For a little while now, I haven't felt healthy.  I've been lethargic, seriously lacking energy and super sleepy,   After a winter of indulgence, it all finally caught up to me. 

After seeing that novel number on the scale, I decided that I would commit to getting healthy and fit.  Last week I bought a bike which is going to be my main mode of transport this summer.  I've started cooking healthy meals and actually reading nutrition labels when I go shopping rather than looking for the cheapest items.  And today... I bought a gym membership.  In my previous attempts with these things - I've found I generally go diligently for the first week or two and then my attendance plummets.  I make excuses as to why I don't go and forget about the money I've wasted.  A couple months later, I go and buy another one and the cycle continues.  I am determined not to fall into this pattern again. 

Today I biked 5km to the gym, bought my 3 month membership and changed into an old band t-shirt and some Adidas shorts that would be cool if it were still the 90's.  Thankfully there weren't any of the lululemon "I MUST LOOK SUPER COOL WHILE EXERCISING" snobs around.  I strolled into the cardio room and figured I'd try the Elliptical trainer.  I attempted to get on and almost fell off.  Good start Natasha, good start.  I set the program to "fat burner" as it seemed to fit with my current goals.  I started moving and saw that the program was supposed to take 28 minutes.  This seemed like quite a daunting task but I figured I'd give it a go.  I'll breakdown my thought train during the workout for you:

0:03 - WTF?!?!? 28 minutes?  No freakin' way I can do this for a half hour.
1:00 - This isn't so bad.  Maybe I can do it. 
2:00 - My legs hurt already :(        (Yes I think in emoticons sometimes)
3:00 - I think my breathing is louder than the fans.
4:00 - I want to die... or maybe just take a nap.
5:00 - Maybe I'll stop at 10 minutes.  That seems reasonable for a first try.
10:00 - I have owies everywhere - but I've gone this far.  I'll keep at it a bit longer. 
12:00 - "Don't stop believin'" comes on my ipod.  Can't let Journey down now can I.
14:00 - My machine friend tells me "50 PERCENT COMPLETE".  Screw it, I'm going all the way.
16:00 - I hit this second wind made of magic, rainbows and puppies and become re-energized.
18:00 - I'm in the zone.
24:00 - I look at the television and see highlights of the Jays kicking the crap out of the Indians.  Happy days.
27:00 - One minute left!  HECK YES!
28:01 - I'm sorry but what the hell is a "cool down"?  5 extra minutes?  This machine is no longer my friend - IT TELLS ME CRUEL CRUEL LIES!
30:00 - Just a thought - a better way to cool down would be jumping in the pool - not sweating through my shirt even more than I already have...
33:05 - I can't believe I actually finished that.  Yay me!
33:30 - I want to get off this thing but I'm afraid my legs might give out.
34:00 - WIN - I successfully dismounted the machine! 
35:00 - Time for a jump in the pool and some much deserved hot tub action.

I won't lie.  The bike ride home was challenging but I'm very serious about keeping my commitment to exercise and healthy eating.  By the end of the summer I want to be in the best shape of my life.  However it seems I need a bit of discipline because as I sit here typing this - I'm devouring a bag of mini eggs... one step at a time I guess.



  1. i think mom is going to print and frame this blog for future reference, that is all

  2. So glad to hear about your new found focus on your health. I knew you were really listening when I did all that preaching to you. Sorry to say that some of my "when you get older" predictions really do come true. Enjoy your bike and the gym workout. Mom
