Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hello from Whistler!

Hey all!

I've decided to start a blog so I can share my experiences with everyone back home.  I'll try and update regularly with pictures, stories, videos, etc.  So here goes...

I've been in BC for almost 2 weeks now and I'm still in awe of the mountains and the landscape.  It's quite a change from Ontario.  I'm enjoying being surrounded by so much nature.

My best picture of the landscape so far, but pictures can't really do it justice.
I'm living in Brio (one of the staff residences) in a shared apartment.  Right now it's just me and Dave (we're supposed to have two more roommates move in but nobody has showed up yet).  It's very spacious, and all of the outlets, appliances and lights work so I'm happy.  When we first moved in, the light in the bathroom did this weird flickering thing for about 5-10 seconds before it actually came on.  Every time I turned it on, I felt like I was a victim in a horror movie about to be murdered.  Needless to say, we got that fixed. 

My apartment complex, Brio.
From our place, it's about a ten minute walk to the village.  Right now it's fairly quiet both in the village and in our residence because it's off-season, but it should pick up fairly soon as Whistler mountain is opening on Nov 19.  The village is awesome, and while it has tons of shops and restaurants - it's really quite small.  Walking along the village stroll takes approximately 10 minutes from start to finish.  So naturally there are three Starbucks locations.

My favourite coffee place is called Blenz.  The hot chocolate is seriously delicious and they have super comfy chairs... Blenz 2, Starbucks 0.

Here are some more pictures of the village:

I can't wait for the snow to start coming down in the village.  There's lots up on the mountain but at the base it's been mostly rain or wet snow that doesn't stick around.  I start my orientation and training next week and the restaurant (Rendezvous) opens up on Nov 25th.  So after a three month vacation, it's back to work I go.

So that's it for my first post.  Keep checking back and follow me on twitter for more.


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