Friday, November 19, 2010

Success = snowboarding sans injuries

So today was opening day for Whistler and I didn't have to work so I decided to go snowboarding.  I was both excited and nervous.  Excited because well - it's freakin' Whistler.  Nervous because last time I went out, I busted up my knee and injuries are no way to start off a season - especially on the first day.  Luckily that didn't happen.  I had a couple falls but nothing major.  For the most part, I felt pretty good on my board. 

My sweet setup. I'm not a huge fan of the pink but the board is excellent.
I got to take my first trip up on the gondola.  It takes about 20-25 minutes to get up to the Roundhouse Lodge (the highest we could go up today).  Here's the view just a few minutes after loading:

It was a pretty cool ride up the mountain.  You get a sweet view of the village and the ski runs.  The lower portion of the mountain isn't covered yet so you can kind of see some of the bike trails and jumps from the summer.  Give it a couple more weeks and we should be fully up and running (fingers crossed).

This season I invested in a crucial piece of equipment that I was lacking last year - a neck warmer.  It's awesome for two reasons:

1. It keeps my neck, mouth, cheeks and nose warm (because I wear it bandana style).
2. I look like a ninja.

This would look way more badass if I wasn't smiling.  For ninjas - it's all about the eyes.
As a Whistler Blackcomb staff member, not only do I get a free season pass to the mountains - I also get a 50% discount off food when I'm not working.  Today I had a chipotle burger with bacon, sweet potato fries and an iced tea for $8.65.  Not bad.  Delicious actually.

My yummy half-priced lunch.  Jealous yet?
As good as the food was though, the highlight of the day was definitely the snowboarding.  Boarding on hills in Ontario doesn't even come close to boarding on a mountain.  The air is fresh, the snow is great and the view is amazing.  I've been home for about 2 hours and I already want to be back out there. 

It's gonna be an awesome winter.



  1. Love the blog so far!
    Glad there were no injuries.
    Looks like such an amazing place with the snowy mountains - yes I am jealous as I gaze out the window of my cubicle looking at the mall across the road..
    The neck warmer is totally ninja/robber
    Love it!
    The food looks magical, make sure you keep the cookie shelf well stocked!
    Glad that you're settling in.
    One question - Justin wants to know why you changed the light in the bathroom?

  2. Haha, I should have taken video before the guy came to change it.
