Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Three awesome things

Hey peeps,

Here's a quick update on some awesomeness so far.  More to come later.

Awesome thing # 1:  One of the first things you realize living in Whistler is that food is expensive.  British Columbia as a whole is more expensive than Ontario and Whistler is a tourist town so add a bit more on top of that.  Needless to say, I've been bargain hunting, coupon clipping and keeping a watchful eye out for sales.  My biggest triumph so far has been this masterpiece:

The tragic part was the 4 per customer limit.  But due to my love of cookies and savings I went back two more times, resulting in my cupboard looking like this:

Awesome Thing # 2:  Whistler has so many shops in the village which means a lot of options to buy gear.  While I brought my board, bindings, boots, etc. with me from Ontario, I did pick up a sweet new helmet.  However my favourite piece of new gear is my pair of penguin socks.

Look how cute my feet look...  It's such a shame nobody will see them while I carve (read: fall) down the mountain.

Awesome thing # 3:  Lastly, I was rudely awoken at some god-awful early hour this morning by Dave's evil alarm clock.  It releases an unnecessarily loud, terrifying shrill of hell every morning.  As much as I hate the stupid clock, it may be great for days I need to wake up for work.  However, as I still haven't started regular shifts - I'm waking up mid sleep for no reason.  And believe me, once you've been awoken by it's dreadful ringing, you can't get back to sleep easily at all.  Here is a picture of the beast itself:

The one upside to being awoken so early this morning was that I looked out the window and snow was finally falling!  This is the view from our balcony:

I'm looking forward to Friday when the mountain opens up for business.  Let the snowboarding (and snowball fights) begin.



  1. Snow! I'm jealous!

    (and about the cookies too)
    (... and the socks)

    (not the alarm clock though. Just be thankful it isn't the government calling you though.)

    PS - do you miss lemoncello like I miss lemoncello?

    cheers from, the obvious anonymous.

  2. I do miss lemoncello. More than you'll ever know :P

  3. Love the socks! Do they come in panda? Eee!

  4. I wish they did... I'll definitely keep an eye out :)
